I can hardly believe it—my first semester of medical school is officially in the books! 📚💉👩🏽⚕️ The past few months have been a whirlwind of late-night study sessions, countless Sketchy videos, and more Starbucks pink drinks than I ever thought possible…and now, I’m 1/8 closer to becoming a doctor! 🤯

As I reflect on my first semester, I’m realizing every challenge along the way has been a stepping stone that’s propelled me forward in my journey. Here’s a few lessons I plan to take with me into the new year:
1. Embrace the Community // Somehow knowing that medical school is a shared experience that I’m not going through alone makes it all the more better. Whether it’s bonding with classmates over challenging lectures or getting support from family and friends, it’s nice to have a community to rely on and celebrate all the small wins together.
2. Prioritize Self-Care // Feeling like I never have time for anything has been an ongoing challenge of mine, but the importance of well-being has been a key takeaway. From prioritizing sleep to scheduling time to enjoy my hobbies, I’ve learned I can’t help others if I don’t take care of myself first and foremost.
3. Persevere Through Difficulties // There were times when the amount of material seemed insurmountable, but perseverance prevailed. It’s a reminder that we wouldn’t have the highs in life without having the lows first.
Looking ahead, I know it’s going to be a long and demanding road to becoming a doctor. Now that I’ve recharged over winter break, I can’t wait to take on semester #2 armed with the lessons and experiences of semester #1. 💯
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Originally Published 01/03/2024.